Bulk Downloads

Here you can get bulk downloads of the annotation & sequence motif data in RBPDB.

Additional documentation is available as RBPDB_README.txt. The sequences from in vivo immunoprecipitation experiments have their own README, included in the zip file.

Database contents
SQL dump MySQL dump of the tables in the database.
All tables - TDT format Zipped directory of all tables in the database in tab-delimited text format.
All tables - CSV format Zipped directory of all tables in the database in comma-separated values format.
Individual tables
All experiments - TDT format All experiment data in tab-delimited text format.
All proteins - TDT format All protein data in tab-delimited text format.
Experiments-to-proteins mapping - TDT format Table linking experiments to proteins in tab-delimited text format.
All experiments - CSV format All experiment data in comma-separated values format.
All proteins - CSV format All protein data in comma-separated values format.
Experiments-to-proteins mapping - CSV format Table linking experiments to proteins in comma-separated values format.
PWMs Zipped directory of Position Weight Matrices
PFMs Zipped directory of Position Frequency Matrices
In vivo bound sequences
RNA sequences from in vivo coimmunoprecipitation experiments Zipped directory of sequences and READMEs
Species-specific files
Human database content - TDT format Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format
Human database content - CSV format Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format
Mouse database content - TDT format Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format
Mouse database content - CSV format Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format
Fly database content - TDT format Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format
Fly database content - CSV format Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format
Worm database content - TDT format Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format
Worm database content - CSV format Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format
Human PWMs and PFMs Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for human proteins
Mouse PWMs and PFMs Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for mouse proteins
Fly PWMs and PFMs Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for fly proteins
Worm PWMs and PFMs Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for worm proteins