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Here you can get bulk downloads of the annotation & sequence motif data in RBPDB.
Additional documentation is available as RBPDB_README.txt. The sequences from in vivo immunoprecipitation experiments have their own README, included in the zip file.
Database contents | |
SQL dump | MySQL dump of the tables in the database. |
All tables - TDT format | Zipped directory of all tables in the database in tab-delimited text format. |
All tables - CSV format | Zipped directory of all tables in the database in comma-separated values format. |
Individual tables | |
All experiments - TDT format | All experiment data in tab-delimited text format. |
All proteins - TDT format | All protein data in tab-delimited text format. |
Experiments-to-proteins mapping - TDT format | Table linking experiments to proteins in tab-delimited text format. |
All experiments - CSV format | All experiment data in comma-separated values format. |
All proteins - CSV format | All protein data in comma-separated values format. |
Experiments-to-proteins mapping - CSV format | Table linking experiments to proteins in comma-separated values format. |
Motifs | |
PWMs | Zipped directory of Position Weight Matrices |
PFMs | Zipped directory of Position Frequency Matrices |
In vivo bound sequences | |
RNA sequences from in vivo coimmunoprecipitation experiments | Zipped directory of sequences and READMEs |
Species-specific files | |
Human database content - TDT format | Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format |
Human database content - CSV format | Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format |
Mouse database content - TDT format | Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format |
Mouse database content - CSV format | Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format |
Fly database content - TDT format | Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format |
Fly database content - CSV format | Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format |
Worm database content - TDT format | Zipped directory of all tables in tab-delimited text format |
Worm database content - CSV format | Zipped directory of all tables in comma-separated values format |
Human PWMs and PFMs | Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for human proteins |
Mouse PWMs and PFMs | Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for mouse proteins |
Fly PWMs and PFMs | Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for fly proteins |
Worm PWMs and PFMs | Zipped directory of position frequency matrices and position weight matrices for worm proteins |